Enrolment fee: All courses and seminars
€ 60,00
N.B. The registration fee is paid on the cc of the City at registration
Course mandolin and accordion, piano (Sedar)
€ 200,00
Guitar, violin course, (Belli) oboe
€ 270,00
Piano, clarinet, cello, viola, violin double-bass
€ 300,00
Laboratory for violin players (M° Grandi)
€ 240,00
Baroque singing
€ 220,00
Chamber music groups - trio and upwards -(for each partecipant)
€ 120,00
Chamber music duo (for each partecipant)
€ 150,00
Auditors fee € 60,00
Please transfer all payments - both application and course fees - to the following bank account:
Banca di Cividale S.p.A. c/c 025570381292
Account name: Associazione Musicale “Sergio Gaggia” (ABI 05484 - CAB 63740 – CIN J)
IBAN: IT85 J054 8463 7400 2557 0381 292 –SWIFT: CIVIIT2CXXX
International Music MasterClasses - Comune di Cividale del Friuli Corso Paolino d'Aquileia, 2 - I-33043 Cividale del Friuli (UD) P.IVA 00512830308